WMATA Metro Youth Mask Campaign
When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, DC's WMATA Metro, like all other public transportation organizations completely shut down. Once given the go ahead to re-open from the government, they soon realized they needed to find a way to convince riders to wear masks, while on trains and buses. After some strategic research, it became clear that DC's youth was the hardest age group to convince to mask up.
WMATA tasked us with developing and designing a full fledge digital/print campaign primarily focused on educating DC's younger riders on the importance of wearing a mask while using Metro. After narrowing down options, WMATA chose to move forward with a campaign we developed called "Youth Mask Frame." The idea behind this campaign was to shoot masked, DC youth residents who are leaders in their communities. These residents are wearing masks that depict why they are masking up, while riding Metro. Some chose elderly family members, while others chose important life events like an upcoming graduation, as to the reason behind why they are choosing to wear masks. This campaign was timely and gave me the opportunity to meet leaders in the DC youth community.
Designer: Matt Hodin
Copywriter: Heather Knight
Photographer: Brett Ludeke
Agency: WHITE64
Made in late 2020

Final Ads

Actual D.C. Youth Leaders

In-Situation Ads