Holistik Wellness Marketing Design
Holistik Wellness is a very unique, up-incoming CBD company that focuses on very different kinds of CBD products from others in the industry. Their key products are stirrable beverage STIKs. What's unique about this product is that all other products from competitors within the CBD arena use typical cans/bottles for single use consumption. Holistik's patent on stirrable CBD STIKs makes consuming CBD in drink form, much easier. The STIKs are small, lightweight and easily transportable, making them the most ideal form of CBD consumption.
I have partnered with HW for the last year, working on dozens of projects, from marketing and social media assets to packaging design and even brand development. I'll be sharing more work as the year moves on but below is a collection of some of the work I have done with them.
Made throughout 2019 & 2020

In-Store Display
In-Store Display Poster

In-Store Display Breakdown

In-Store Take Away Info Card - Front

In-Store Take Away Info Card - Backs

In-Store Take Away Info Card - Front & Back

Desktop Layout

Mobile Layout

Email Campaigns
Trigger Email Newsletter

Valentine's Day Promo Email

President's Day Promo Email

Digital Banners
CBD.co Full Width Banner

300x250 Digital Banners

728x90 Digital Banners