A Weather Eye Vintage Logo Development
A Weather Eye Vintage is preloved and vintage clothing reseller.
Shop owner Samantha has a passion and love for all things thrift. She uses her artistic eye to sort through preloved and pre-worn clothes in thrift shops all over the East Coast, collecting the best and most unique products she can find. After cleaning and styling them, she uses Instagram and Etsy to share these items with the world.
Sam came to me with a name that she had always had in the back of her head, "A Weather Eye," which is reference to one of her favorite films franchises, Pirates of the Caribbean. Specifically from this scene where Will tells Elizabeth, as he leaves her, to "keep a weather eye on the horizon." This phrase comes from the early 19th century and it means to keep on the lookout for changes to come.
Made in February of 2022

Final Logo
Final Logo


Logo Development
From the start of the logo development process, Sam and I agreed that incorporating an eye somewhere within the logo would be a great start. You can see below the number of different illustrations and icons I created, all depicting, in one form or another, an eye.

Below are some examples of the above first round of logo development and how I mocked them up in different situations and orientations.